Coping skills groups — Right Track Medical Group
Outpatient Mental Health Clinics

Coping skills groups

Build skills to move forward in life


Coping Skills Groups are regular meetings of people on a similar journey of moving forward in life. Coping Skills Groups meet once a week to address a variety of different concerns in an open and supportive environment. Groups focus on identifying stressors, developing healthy coping skills and creating strategies for self-care. Members build skills through participating in open discussions and completing hands-on activities.

Benefits of Coping Skills Groups:

  • Practice healthy coping skills

  • Learn to manage stress & incorporate wellness

  • Cope with change

  • Improve decision making skills

  • Set boundaries & communicate effectively with others

  • Take action through goal setting

Groups are facilitated by Right Track Medical Group's licensed mental health professionals. Groups average 6-8 people and are open to current and new patients, ages 18 and up. Patients are not required to be receiving psychiatric and therapy services at Right Track Medical Group to participate in Coping Skills Groups. An intake appointment and admissions paperwork will be completed before joining the group.

Select a Right Track Medical Group location to see the current schedule for Coping Skills Groups.